



CenterStage: 2023-2024

Jesse Sklar-Captain 

Aug 2016: My first year at robotech, I worked on a Ev3 Mindstorms robot on the FLL Field Mission Mars. I won first place at Robotech, and completed most of the challenges.

Sep 2016: I continued working on mind-storms robots with legos for the next year, and worked on several past FLL fields.

Sep 2017: Now, I joined a Robotech FLL Team, where I practiced judging, and continued working on Lego Robots

Spring 2018: I advanced to VEX IQ, and competed with others at Robotech, placing second twice in a row at the different robotech competitons.

Spring 2019: I started working on the FTC Team at robotech learning how they build and function.

Sep 2019: I officially joined the FTC team for the Skystone season. We advanced to the state championship, however, it was cancelled due to COVID.

Sep 2020: I continued on the FTC team 17036 during the Ultimate Goal competition. We advanced to the state championship, and made it to the semi-finals. Throughout the season, I was taught CAD, and I learned how to operate the 3d Printer. Additionally, I took a class on Java at Robotech.

Sep 2021: I now became higher up in 17036, and worked mechanically on improving our Freight Frenzy robot, which again made it to the semi-finals of the State Championship. Additionally, I worked on a humanoid Robot project called TOBOR at robotech. 

Spring 2022: I taught CAD and Mechanics at Robotech to many teenagers, and began working shifts at Robotech.

Sep 2022: I became Captain of 17036, and along with building a functional robot, I CADded the entire thing. Additionally, I joined my high school Vex robotics team 2616Knights at Cherry Hill East. I am primarily a builder on that team, but I am also trying to learn programming. In addition to these, I am mentoring another FTC team, 14498, on their building since they are a rookie team.


Neel Awsare - Captain  

My name is Neel Awsare, and I am 17 years old. I attend Rancocas Valley Regional High School as a senior. At school, I am the president of the SNHS, president of the computer science club, co-captain of the FRC robotics team, secretary of the engineering club, and a member of the NHS and the MNHS. This year will be my sixth year in FTC, and I am currently the lead programmer and driver for the team. For my final year in FTC, I want to learn more about odometry, PIDs, motion profiling, and OpenCV computer vision. In the future, I want to study computer science and become a software engineer. I am especially interested in the new advancements in AI, which makes me interested in pursuing a job in AI. I’m excited to take CENTERSTAGE in this year’s upcoming season! 


Jackson Beairsto - Mech 

My name is Jackson Beairsto, I am 18 years old. I am a senior at Rancocas Valley Regional High School. I have been a part of Robotech since the sixth grade, starting with Vex IQ, and WRO. Since then I have joined the FTC team and this is my 3rd year with the team. Throughout my three years on the team I became proficient in building with GoBilda and REV parts, and I have become the team's human player. After I graduate high school I want to go to a college to study engineering or education. Outside of robotics I am interested in football, basketball and movies. This years challenge Centerstage is shaping up to be very exciting, and I will be locked in no matter what! 


Isaiah Dupree - Mech

My name is Isaiah duPree. I am 17 years old and I am a senior at Rancocas Valley Regional High School in Mount Holly, NJ. Outside of FTC, I am the president of my school’s Black Student Union, Editor in Chief of my school’s newspaper, a member of the school’s Thespian Society, NHS, engineering club and Spanish Honor Society. I also speak 3 languages. The 2023-24 season will be my 2nd year in FTC, and I will be our team’s operator. After college, I hope to go into a journalism career. I’m excited to take CENTERSTAGE in this year’s upcoming season! 

Freight Frenzy: 2021-2022 Updated May 24, 2022

Sandy Liebman - Captain


2012- My first year. I built and programmed a Mindstorms NXT robot.  The robot was used to complete tasks in an in house competition using the FLL field Senior Solutions. 

2013: I coded and constructed a Mindstorms EV3 robot. This robot was used for club competition using the FLL Natures Fury field.

2014: Using the previous EV3 robot I used it to complete tasks and score goals in the Robotech club competition FLL World Class.

2015: Was my first year of doing a regulation FLL competition. This competition was called Trash Trek. On this team I was the leader of the build team. 

2016: I did the vex iq summer camp and competed and got third place at the camp competition of High Rise. I also did the club competition Bank Shot.

2017: I joined a team and competed in the VEX IQ robotics competition of Crossover. On the team of three my main focus was building.

2018: I competed in the VEX IQ challenge Ringmaster. My job on the team was building game strategy and driving.

2019: I joined the first year of the First Tech Challenge team Robotech Warriors 14498. I focused on designing, building, and driving the robot. My team was in the top ten in south Jersey for the competition Rover Ruckus.

2020: I competed in the competition Skystone on the team Robotech Anomaly 17036 which placed in the top five in southern New Jersey. On this team I focused on building and operating the robot. At my high school I am on the VEX EDR robotics team. My team which is called Zetabots 2616Z. This team is  going to a competition of the best teams in the state.

2020-2021: I competed in the FTC ultimate goal challenge. I focused on designing, building and operating the robot. I became the Mechanical Lead for FTC Team 17036 Robotech Anomaly. I helped build a humanoid robot called Tobor. I became a member of a CyberPatriot competition team.


Jesse Sklar - Mechanical


Jesse Sklar comes from Cherry Hill, New Jersey. In the sixth grade, he started robotics at Robotech. He started out doing the Mission to Mars First Lego League game. He then was a part of the Space Cowboys, an FLL team for the Into Orbit game board. In the eighth grade, Jesse joined the First Technology Challenge team 17036 Anomaly at Robotech. He started working with REV robotics the previous summer. Jesse is currently on team 17036, and is working to build a humanoid robot. Now, in the ninth grade, Jesse is again on Robotech’s FTC team. He has planned a fundraiser and worked on getting a 3D printer to work in order to print pieces featured on his robot. Jesse loves building and designing both his FTC team’s robot and the humanoid robot he is working on. He cannot wait to continue his robotics journey. 


Neel Awsare - Programming


My name is Neel Awsare, and I am 15 years old. I attend Rancocas Valley Regional High School as a 10th grader. Previously, I have competed in WRO, FLL, and VEX IQ competitions since 4th grade at Robotech. Most notably, I had traveled to West Virginia in 2019 to compete in the WRO nationals competition. Regarding FTC, I had been a member of the Robotech Warriors during the 7th and 8th grades and am now a member of the Robotech Anomaly since the 9th grade. Currently, I am a programmer and driver for Anomaly. In the future, I aim to become an engineer, focusing on computer science. I was also accepted into my school's engineering program, PLTW. During the summer, I have instructed summer camps for younger students at Robotech. Besides robotics, I like to play golf and code computer games.


My name is Neel Awsare, and I am 14 years old. I attend Rancocas Valley Regional High School as a 9th grader. Previously, I have competed in WRO, FLL, and VEX IQ competitions since 4th grade at Robotech Educational Services. Last year in WRO, my team had placed 1st in the state and got to travel to West Virginia to compete at the national level. There, our team placed 9th out of 18 teams. On our FTC team, I worked with the hardware side of the robot. Last year in FTC, I had worked in programming. I have also instructed summer classes to younger students. In January of 2020, I got nominated by my teachers to visit Lockheed Martin with other classmates. Besides robotics, I play Golf and like to code my own games for mobile and computer.


Karina Gupta - Mechanical


My name is Karina Gupta and I am currently a 9th grader at Cherry Hill East High School. This is my second year doing the First Tech Challenge. This year, I work on the website and hardware. Last year, I helped build the robot and worked on the engineering notebook. In previous years, I did FLL, VEX IQ and WRO. On my WRO team, we were able to place 1st in the state and then advance on to nationals where we placed 10th.  Along with robotics, I help my community with different events such as making blankets. 


Armaan Gupta - Programming


I am currently a 9th grader at Cherry Hill East High School. My primary interests in academics include math and science. My hobbies are playing chess, playing the piano and the Tabla (a classical Indian musical instrument), and of course,  robotics. For my personal endeavors, I have placed in the top 10 nationally in the World Robotics Organization (WRO). I have placed nationally in math and achieved first place in a state science fair, and I have won numerous judge nominated awards in local robotic competitions. Also, this year, with my siblings, I won the Congressional App Challenge for new Jersey's 1st District. For me, it was important to pursue my passion of robotics , because I wanted to incorporate my past background knowledge on the different aspects of STEM, and subsequently pursue robotics at a greater level.  Through robotics I hope to grow my passion of engineering, and use robotics as a medium to apply my knowledge of STEM. On the teams I have been on , I am able to use my sense of leadership and programming skills (in Java and Python) for autonomous, and the engineering process, but altogether I strive to play an imperative part in the growth and success of the teams I have been on.


Pranav Palle - Programming


My name is Pranav Palle and I am currently in 10th grade. I started doing robotics at my middle school Robotics Club in 7th grade and have engineered a passion for building and coding. I started learning programming in various languages such as C, Java, Python, and HTML. I competed in WRO (World Robot Olympiad) and got third place in the country. Currently, I am doing FTC (First Tech Challenge) as a coder.


Douglas Ringenary - Mechanical


Hi, my name is Douglas Ringenary and I’m 16 years old. I joined Robotech when I was 9. I started with Lego Mindstorms then slowly moved my way up the ladder, learning important skills along the way. In 2016, I competed with my team in the Animal Allies Lego tournament for FIRST. A year later, I participated in a VEX competition. In 2018, I joined FTC. The team I was on got 3rd place in the region. We then were supposed to go to the state championship for FTC 2019/2020, but quarantine happened. This year, for 2020-2021, I am excited to see how our team places. I continue to learn every day. Even though I’m a builder and an operator, I want to learn programing in the future. I look forward to another GREAT year at Robotech.


Asher Boiskin - Programming


Jackson Bearisto - Mechanical


Jacob Blazina - Mechanical


Rohin Amaro - Mechanical

Ultimate Goal:  2020-2021 Updated May 24, 2022

Priyam Modi - Captain


I have been going to Robotech since 2012. I have competed on their FLL, VEX IQ, and FTC teams. I also have worked with VEX EDR and Robotech’s humanoid project, Roger. I joined Robotech’s FTC team 17036 in 2019 as a captain. During the 2019-2020 season, Team 17036 made it to the New Jersey State Championship after winning awards and making the playoffs at various competitions. As captain, I led the team through robot design and build decisions, programming difficulties, engineering notebook preparation, and award writing. For the 2020-2021 season, I am a co-captain of FTC team 17036.


Amar Patel - Programming


I have been going to Robotech since 2012. I am 17 years old and am a senior at Cherokee High School. I have competed on their FLL, VEX IQ, and FTC teams. I also have worked with VEX EDR and Robotech’s humanoid project, Roger. I joined Robotech’s FTC team 14498 in 2019 as a captain. For the 2020-2021 season, I am a co-captain of FTC team 17036 and programming lead. I joined the team because I want to major and pursue a career in computer science and robotics is a great way to do that. For the last 3 years, I have been able to program the robot. Besides robotics, I am interested in playing football, woodworking and sleeping.


Jesse Sklar - Mechanical


Jesse Sklar comes from Cherry Hill, New Jersey. In the sixth grade, he started robotics at Robotech. He started out doing the Mission to Mars First Lego League game. He then was a part of the Space Cowboys, an FLL team for the Into Orbit game board. In the eighth grade, Jesse joined the First Technology Challenge team 17036 Anomaly at Robotech. He started working with REV robotics the previous summer. Jesse is currently on team 17036, and is working to build a humanoid robot. Now, in the ninth grade, Jesse is again on Robotech’s FTC team. He has planned a fundraiser and worked on getting a 3D printer to work in order to print pieces featured on his robot. Jesse loves building and designing both his FTC team’s robot and the humanoid robot he is working on. He cannot wait to continue his robotics journey. 


Neel Awsare - Programming


My name is Neel Awsare, and I am 15 years old. I attend Rancocas Valley Regional High School as a 10th grader. Previously, I have competed in WRO, FLL, and VEX IQ competitions since 4th grade at Robotech. Most notably, I had traveled to West Virginia in 2019 to compete in the WRO nationals competition. Regarding FTC, I had been a member of the Robotech Warriors during the 7th and 8th grades and am now a member of the Robotech Anomaly since the 9th grade. Currently, I am a programmer and driver for Anomaly. In the future, I aim to become an engineer, focusing on computer science. I was also accepted into my school's engineering program, PLTW. During the summer, I have instructed summer camps for younger students at Robotech. Besides robotics, I like to play golf and code computer games.


My name is Neel Awsare, and I am 14 years old. I attend Rancocas Valley Regional High School as a 9th grader. Previously, I have competed in WRO, FLL, and VEX IQ competitions since 4th grade at Robotech Educational Services. Last year in WRO, my team had placed 1st in the state and got to travel to West Virginia to compete at the national level. There, our team placed 9th out of 18 teams. On our FTC team, I worked with the hardware side of the robot. Last year in FTC, I had worked in programming. I have also instructed summer classes to younger students. In January of 2020, I got nominated by my teachers to visit Lockheed Martin with other classmates. Besides robotics, I play Golf and like to code my own games for mobile and computer.


Karina Gupta - Mechanical


My name is Karina Gupta and I am currently a 9th grader at Cherry Hill East High School. This is my second year doing the First Tech Challenge. This year, I work on the website and hardware. Last year, I helped build the robot and worked on the engineering notebook. In previous years, I did FLL, VEX IQ and WRO. On my WRO team, we were able to place 1st in the state and then advance on to nationals where we placed 10th.  Along with robotics, I help my community with different events such as making blankets. 


Jake Turse - Mech/Prog


My name is Jake Turse and I am 14 years old. I am homeschooled and currently a freshman in high school. This is my third year in FTC and I am enjoying another great year of competition and learning. This year I am on the hardware team. I am also involved in building a robot we call Tobor. My previous experience in robotics is FLL(First Lego League), VEX IQ, WRO(World Robot Olympiad). My team and I were the 2018 New Jersey State WRO Champs and traveled to West Virginia to compete nationally where we placed ninth.


Armaan Gupta - Programming


I am currently a 9th grader at Cherry Hill East High School. My primary interests in academics include math and science. My hobbies are playing chess, playing the piano and the Tabla (a classical Indian musical instrument), and of course,  robotics. For my personal endeavors, I have placed in the top 10 nationally in the World Robotics Organization (WRO). I have placed nationally in math and achieved first place in a state science fair, and I have won numerous judge nominated awards in local robotic competitions. Also, this year, with my siblings, I won the Congressional App Challenge for new Jersey's 1st District. For me, it was important to pursue my passion of robotics , because I wanted to incorporate my past background knowledge on the different aspects of STEM, and subsequently pursue robotics at a greater level.  Through robotics I hope to grow my passion of engineering, and use robotics as a medium to apply my knowledge of STEM. On the teams I have been on , I am able to use my sense of leadership and programming skills (in Java and Python) for autonomous, and the engineering process, but altogether I strive to play an imperative part in the growth and success of the teams I have been on.


Sandy Liebman - Mechanical


2012- My first year. I built and programmed a Mindstorms NXT robot.  The robot was used to complete tasks in an in house competition using the FLL field Senior Solutions. 

2013: I coded and constructed a Mindstorms EV3 robot. This robot was used for club competition using the FLL Natures Fury field.

2014: Using the previous EV3 robot I used it to complete tasks and score goals in the Robotech club competition FLL World Class.

2015: Was my first year of doing a regulation FLL competition. This competition was called Trash Trek. On this team I was the leader of the build team. 

2016: I did the vex iq summer camp and competed and got third place at the camp competition of High Rise. I also did the club competition Bank Shot.

2017: I joined a team and competed in the VEX IQ robotics competition of Crossover. On the team of three my main focus was building.

2018: I competed in the VEX IQ challenge Ringmaster. My job on the team was building game strategy and driving.

2019: I joined the first year of the First Tech Challenge team Robotech Warriors 14498. I focused on designing, building, and driving the robot. My team was in the top ten in south Jersey for the competition Rover Ruckus.

2020: I competed in the competition Skystone on the team Robotech Anomaly 17036 which placed in the top five in southern New Jersey. On this team I focused on building and operating the robot. At my high school I am on the VEX EDR robotics team. My team which is called Zetabots 2616Z. This team is  going to a competition of the best teams in the state.

2020-2021: I competed in the FTC ultimate goal challenge. I focused on designing, building and operating the robot. I became the Mechanical Lead for FTC Team 17036 Robotech Anomaly. I helped build a humanoid robot called Tobor. I became a member of a CyberPatriot competition team.


Pranav Palle - Programming


My name is Pranav Palle and I am currently in 10th grade. I started doing robotics at my middle school Robotics Club in 7th grade and have engineered a passion for building and coding. I started learning programming in various languages such as C, Java, Python, and HTML. I competed in WRO (World Robot Olympiad) and got third place in the country. Currently, I am doing FTC (First Tech Challenge) as a coder.


Douglas Ringenary - Mechanical


Hi, my name is Douglas Ringenary and I’m 16 years old. I joined Robotech when I was 9. I started with Lego Mindstorms then slowly moved my way up the ladder, learning important skills along the way. In 2016, I competed with my team in the Animal Allies Lego tournament for FIRST. A year later, I participated in a VEX competition. In 2018, I joined FTC. The team I was on got 3rd place in the region. We then were supposed to go to the state championship for FTC 2019/2020, but quarantine happened. This year, for 2020-2021, I am excited to see how our team places. I continue to learn every day. Even though I’m a builder and an operator, I want to learn programing in the future. I look forward to another GREAT year at Robotech.

Skystone: 2019-2020 Updated May 23, 2022

Priyam Modi - Captain / Programming

Douglas Ringenary - Mechanical

Nick Houliaras - Programming


2014 - First year in robotics: I did a Summer LEGO WeDo Camp at Samuel S. Yellin School; I learned the basics of coding with blocks.

2015: I started on my first competitive team in FLL (First LEGO Challenge); I built the Trash Trek field elements; I started as one of the secondary programmer and builder; Our team got to the qualifier at Rowan University

2016: I did my second year of FLL (First LEGO Challenge); I built the Animal Allies field elements; I was the main programmer and secondary builder.; Our team got to the qualifier at Rowan University; Our team also made it to the state competition at the University of Delaware

2017: I did my third year of FLL (First LEGO Challenge); I built the Hydro Dynamics field elements; I was the main programmer and secondary builder.; Our team got to the qualifier that was hosted at our school; Our team also made it to the state competition at the University of Delaware

2018: I started my first and only year of Vex IQ in a club and competition team; Iworked with one other person for the team; I worked by myself for the club; Our team got to the state qualifier and placed second.; I was a programmer and used the Graphical RobotC software for the club and team

2019: I started my first year of WRO (World Robotic Olympiad); I worked with one other person for the team; Our team got to the state and placed third.; I was a programmer for the team; Our team also got to nationals in Sunnyvale, California; We placed 13th at nationals

2020 - Current year:

I started my first year of FTC (First Tech Challenge); I was a programmer on the team; I programmed our robot with java  


Shruti Mandrekar - Notebook


I am Shruti Mandrekar and I am in ninth grade. I have been doing robotics for about three years. In the beginning, it was just a hobby and I did not do many competitions and just wanted to learn about robots. In eighth grade I started doing FTC. I did some programming and worked on the engineering notebook. I also participated in the WRO competition after the season ended. This year, I have also been doing programming and engineering notebook in more depth than last year. 


Julia Chan - Notebook


Julia Chan has been a member of Robotech Educational Services ever since she was in elementary school. Since then, she has done many different levels of robotics including Lego nxt, lego ev3, Vex iq, and Vex edr. Over the years she has also competed in many competitions. She started out doing competitions in First Lego League (FLL) which used the Lego ev3 robots where she was the main programmer on the team and took many leadership roles. As the years progressed, she made her way to competing in Vex iq competitions where she was also one of the main programmers and field drivers and ended up being quite successful in these competitions. She has also participated in many educational programs offered at Robotech including CyperPatriots, a cyber security competition and is building a humanoid with other Robotech members. She also competed in the World Robot Olympiad (WRO) with her younger brother and is currently a First Tech Challenge (FTC) team member. Other than Robotech, she is also on her high school robotics team. 


Jonah Rodriguez - Mechanical


When I was 10 years old, I was looking for new puzzles to solve and got into

programming. I first used code blocks, then moved to python in a year. I practiced at home, received an Arduino and learned C# in another year. I enjoy metalworking and woodworking. I also enjoy playing video games that include programming and automation, like Autonauts or simulation, like Minecraft. Over the summer, I went to a VEX Robotics summer camp at Robotech. There I was recruited for FTC for my programming and driving skills. At Robotech, I program and build. I live with my parents and two younger brothers in Mount Laurel. I am currently a ninth-grader in Lenape High School.


Sandy Liebman - Mechanical


2012- My first year. I built and programmed a Mindstorms NXT robot.  The robot was used to complete tasks in an in house competition using the FLL field Senior Solutions. 

2013: I coded and constructed a Mindstorms EV3 robot. This robot was used for club competition using the FLL Natures Fury field.

2014: Using the previous EV3 robot I used it to complete tasks and score goals in the Robotech club competition FLL World Class.

2015: Was my first year of doing a regulation FLL competition. This competition was called Trash Trek. On this team I was the leader of the build team. 

2016: I did the vex iq summer camp and competed and got third place at the camp competition of High Rise. I also did the club competition Bank Shot.

2017: I joined a team and competed in the VEX IQ robotics competition of Crossover. On the team of three my main focus was building.

2018: I competed in the VEX IQ challenge Ringmaster. My job on the team was building game strategy and driving.

2019: I joined the first year of the First Tech Challenge team Robotech Warriors 14498. I focused on designing, building, and driving the robot. My team was in the top ten in south Jersey for the competition Rover Ruckus.

2020: I competed in the competition Skystone on the team Robotech Anomaly 17036 which placed in the top five in southern New Jersey. On this team I focused on building and operating the robot. At my high school I am on the VEX EDR robotics team. My team which is called Zetabots 2616Z. This team is  going to a competition of the best teams in the state.

2020-2021: I competed in the FTC ultimate goal challenge. I focused on designing, building and operating the robot. I became the Mechanical Lead for FTC Team 17036 Robotech Anomaly. I helped build a humanoid robot called Tobor. I became a member of a CyberPatriot competition team.


Jesse Sklar - Mechanical 


Jesse Sklar comes from Cherry Hill, New Jersey. In the sixth grade, he started robotics at Robotech. He started out doing the Mission to Mars First Lego League game. He then was a part of the Space Cowboys, an FLL team for the Into Orbit game board. In the eighth grade, Jesse joined the First Technology Challenge team 17036 Anomaly at Robotech. He started working with REV robotics the previous summer. Jesse is currently on team 17036, and is working to build a humanoid robot. Now, in the ninth grade, Jesse is again on Robotech’s FTC team. He has planned a fundraiser and worked on getting a 3D printer to work in order to print pieces featured on his robot. Jesse loves building and designing both his FTC team’s robot and the humanoid robot he is working on. He cannot wait to continue his robotics journey.